Routines are essential for optimizing your day. Being busy is becoming the norm these days whether you have kids or not. This is why it is imperative to start your day right and set yourself up to win the day. When you feel good, you have more energy and feel more grounded which puts you in a state that allows you to handle anything.

Laying in bed think and feel three things you are grateful for. The more we focus and feel gratitude the more we will notice the positive things in our life and we wake up excited for our day. Remember what we focus on expands, so starting the day focusing on Gratitude is sure to set you up for success. When I'm too groggy to think clearly I simply repeat, 'thank you, thank you, thank you.'
Drink a big glass of water, think 1 liter with 1/2 lemon squeezed in. Not only is this hydrating but also extremely detoxifying and cleansing to your organs. Staying hydrated is a great way to stay healthy, look healthy and give you added energy. Lemon is a natural stimulant to your digestive track, and a great way to flush toxins from your liver first think in the morning. Such a simple habit that your body will thank you for.
Look at yourself in the mirror and say three things you love about yourself. It's easy to see our flaws, and in the morning when you look at yourself in the mirror consciously admire three things you love about yourself. This is powerful! When we spend our days making sure everyone else is loved and nurtured we have to make sure we are loving ourselves as well. Take this time to go over your goals, I write mine up and tape them to my mirror. Look these over every morning and night before sleep, say them out loud and feel them as if they are already happening.
By taking charge you start realizing that you can take charge of most things. Having will power on a cold day to push the nozzle over to cold is definitely empowering, and a great time to shout out your favorite affirmations!
At the end of your morning shower, turn the dial to cold and spend 30 seconds embracing the cold water. Just making yourself turn that nozzle cold is a powerful way to start the day. You are showing your body and thoughts that you are in charge. Cold therapy has been shown to increase energy as well as curb depression. It is also great for reducing inflammation and gets circulation pumping. There is something very empowering about embracing cold therapy. By taking charge you start realizing that you can take charge of most things. Having will power on a cold day to push the nozzle over to cold is definitely empowering, and a great time to shout out your favorite affirmations!
Yoga, stretching, brisk walk, run, pilates, whatever you like to get you moving is excellent! Movement is a great way to change our state and get the stagnancy of the night moving out and living us invigorated. When we pair this with focusing on our intention for the day, the movement becomes a powerful way to keep productive and clear on our day. If we are tired, overwhelmed, down, frustrated, stressed; move and remember your daily intention and notice how you feel. Notice over time how this changes you, your mindset as well as your body.
Green smoothie, vegetable juice, celery juice (my all time favorite), or even green superfood shots are great options to break your night time fast. Whatever you prefer, going green first thing is a great way to nourish your body and start your day on a healthy foot. Something about green first thing set you up to make healthy choices throughout the day. Greens are naturally alkalizing and will suppress your appetite as well as give you natural energy. Check our my smoothie and morning recipes blog for recipe ideas. No matter how much time you have in the morning, you have time to implement healthy habits. If you have to wake up ten minutes early, do it. Tell your kids, tell your partner, 'I'm doing my morning routine,' and notice how they begin to respect your time and space. Pretty soon they will be finding their own morning routine and everyone benefits.
Here's to a Great Morning,
Kristin Derrin