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How To Optimize Your Cleanse


Updated: Feb 22, 2022

In our modern world, we encounter many toxins daily, from our food, water, soaps, and lotions, to the toxins in the air. I always recommend cleansing yearly, if not seasonally. Sometimes we only need one day once a month, five days seasonally, or ten days once a year!

Intermittent fasting is a great way to start for those who aren't ready for a full cleanse. Try to only eat for 6 hours a day. That 18 hour fast is a great daily reset for the body. Giving our bodies a break from food and resting our digestive system allows our organs to detoxify, gives our body a rest and allows our system to reset.

Whether you choose a juice fast, soup fast, raw food fast, whole foods elimination cleanse, intermittent fasting, or water fasting, you are giving your body and mind a fantastic reset.

Here are a few tips to take on before, during, and after any cleanse.


At least 24 hours before starting your actual cleanse, take the day before to start eating healthier. Increase your vegetable and fruit content, drink more water, be aware of harder-to-digest proteins and fat, eliminate processed packaged foods, and focus on mostly a plant-based day. Steamed veggies, smoothies, teas, salads, easy-to-digest grains like rice and quinoa, and healthy fats like avocado are excellent choices for the day before your cleanse.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... Otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." Buddha

During Cleanse:

Once the cleanse starts, make sure that you are taking care of yourself. A cleanse is a time for reflection, slowing down, and taking care of our bodies and minds.

Skin Brushing:

A fantastic way to move the lymph in your body. When skin brushing, try to brush toward your heart to circulate the lymph. Choose a soft skin brush with natural fibers.

Epsom salt bath:

Add your favorite organic essential oils and enjoy a soak nightly when cleansing. A great way to increase circulation and absorb needed magnesium. Epsom salt baths should be part of everyone's weekly routine, and during a cleanse, they should be a nightly ritual. Before the bath, do your skin brushing, and add organic essential oils to the water as desired. Relax, drink herbal tea or lemon water, and listen to meditation music. Cleanses are a time to cleanse the mind as well.


Drink more water and herbal tea. Hydration is essential for cleansing. Imagine any toxins you may have in your organs are releasing into your blood, tissues, and lymph. Water and herbal tea are great for flushing these toxins from our tissues and organs.


When flushing out the toxins, it is essential to eliminate them; otherwise, the toxins will reabsorb into your bloodstream. Make sure you are eliminating daily. If not, make sure you have mild laxatives on hand to help move the released toxins out of your body.


A time to regenerate and increase cell turnover. Try to aim for 9 hours a night. Go to bed with a book and wake up in gratitude. Detox from blue light as well and shut off all electronics 2 hours before sleep.

Meditation and Yoga:

Upon waking, meditate and gently stretch to get your body moving. When we eliminate the energy needed for digestion, we can access that energy to center ourselves and still our minds. Asking questions before meditation can result in clear, concise answers. The increased mental clarity during a cleanse is incredible for setting goals, revisiting dreams, and making important decisions.

Increase Circulation:

Besides skin brushing and hot baths, as mentioned above, walking, massage, and hot saunas(infrared)/steam are great ways to increase circulation and reflect.

Post Cleanse:

Breaking the cleanse is one of the most important days of the cleanse. Try not to rush right back into eating just any food. Take the morning to drink your water, have a tea, maybe a smoothie, or some gluten-free oatmeal. Think back to the pre-cleanse day and repeat. Try to bring in easy-to-digest meals, like quinoa and steamed veggies, continuing to be plant-based until the evening if possible.

Your body has just taken a big break and cleansed out stored toxins. Many people will notice that they may not crave the foods they consumed before the cleanse. Your body knows best, and it's a great time to listen. Reintroduce foods such as gluten and dairy slowly and listen to your gut, literally listen for gurgles which may mean you have trouble digesting these foods. Continue to include more fruits and vegetables and choose your food based on nutrients for your body.

Excellent job; if you are thinking of cleansing, in the middle of a cleanse, or just finished, congratulations! The feeling of accomplishment is fantastic; if you can do this, you can do anything. Enjoy the added energy, clarity, and feeling great in your body.

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